Jen arrived here late on the evening of March 14, 2007 after a 5 day trip from Texas to Connecticut. She is in emaciated condition despite constant hay and water on the trip. Thank you, Candy, of Tender Touch Hauling for taking such good care of Jen on her long journey across the country.
The vet who pulled her Coggins and did her health certificate scored her at a 1.5. She is also most likely very pregnant. I sure see a lot of jumping around in that belly. She was supposedly exposed to two studs from May through October of 2006, which would make her due anytime from April through September of 2007. Her last foals were born on 4/22, 4/28 and 5/10.
I've started her road to recovery with free choice hay, which includes 2 flakes of second cut hay and 2 flakes of first cut "herbal" hay, 4 times per day. (I call it "herbal" hay because it is a mix of grasses and weeds/herbs, the horses LOVE it). On her first day, she was dosed 3x with Vitaroyal's Nutrient Buffer mixed with a dose of Untie supplement. Then on her second day, she had the NB mixed with a small amount of alfalfa pellets 2x/day. On her third day, we started the Hi-Pro, at about 1/4 pound 2x/day with NB mixed into the alfalfa pellets (otherwise she won't eat it).
Jen also needs her teeth done desperately, just as soon as I hear back from the dentist. She is leaving globs of stuff in her water.
These are taken the morning after she arrived, on the 15th, ready to put her blanket on for the impending storm. Remember that she is 9 months pregnant in these photos.
Here's an udder shot, to keep track as her pregnancy progresses.
And here she is, all snug as a bug in a rug, ready for the early spring snow storm.
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